Door Bell Debt Ringer

Depressing this:  And this doorbell’s debt ringer should serve you as a wakeup call, but it will not and does not even begin to take into account what future irresponsibility will […]

Benghazi; Yes Indeed …Anything But Bipartisanship!

Could Apparent Benghazi Cover-Up   Be Treated as   Anything But Partisanship?   As if Bipartisanship is alive and well today inWashington…hmm?     Whatever happened to American Foreign Policy […]

Part 1 to The Preface; The Fate of the Wait is in The Rate While The Cost is Lost

The reason why I am prefacing and planning to re-post my September 16th, 2011’s original post is because, I believe today …it has become more pertinent today than ever before.

After the French Presidential Election, I am more convinced than ever Americans are being strung along …day after day …more than merely paying the costs to just tote the note …those service costs associated with America’s Public Debt.

Last year, I attempted to characterize this in other terms by referring to this cost in a way which explains the service costs called the “Debt Load” as …and in terms of “The Fate of the Rate …” as being actually “…the Cost of the Lost.”

The Fate comprises the lost factors of time and money in various unforeseen or unnoticed dimensions with respect to the added dynamics of various depths of rates whose limits are limited by finite time constructs.

Enough said for the time being; the Treasury Department holds a periodic recurring series of Treasury sales whose calendar period repeats over and over nearly every two months …just like clock work …come rain or shine …regardless of supply and whoever shows up to participate in these garage-sale-like auctions.

Aside from organic market dynamics, as deemed necessary, QE1 and QE-2 has filled the vacuum in the event and at the ever increasing times of waning participation …I.E.; a lack of demand …as if to beg the question; what if they gave an auction and no one showed?

The Rate of the Wait; The Cost of the Lost

The magnitude of the money required to service the interest costs generated by the public debt is stopping for no one.

With respect to its costs; the rate to wait has benefited no one save the administration which has not missed a beat in every opportunity to turn a blind eye on housing …while jabbing the financial sector in the eye with a sharp stick.

Once upon a time, not too long ago …I lived in Hungary at a time in which the rate of inflation was running at 33%. As high as that may have been …it was a promising time. People were full of hope and looking towards a brighter future. And as bleak as 79 % effective tax rates were, optimism was running rampant.

Unlike what we have here in the U.S.A. today, there and then …the velocity in the Hungarian market could only be characterized as torrential. Money was moving at an amazing spead. Opportunity was in the air.

However, here …overall broad spectrum inflation has not raised its ugly head here …now, primarily because velocity is anemically low …and whatever inflation currently exists has been rather limited to commodities in a low demand …low growth environment.

Usama Bin Laden; The Weapons of Our Warfare

Extremists and Despots vs. Truth and Vigil

The Weapons of Our Warfare Are Mighty

When extremists attack a problem with forceful lies and deceit, they often do so in order to achieve an objective with the least amount of resistance, harnessing the greatest discontent as quickly as possible through a narrow well chosen gate.

In this, then means of arriving at a desired end is deliberately caused by channeling an emotion response toward containment.

Despots have no solution …only the desire to throw rocks in a glass house without regard for the truth.

Beware! The more obvious the truth; the bolder the lie …even when the truth is plainer than the nose on one’s face. The admission of nothing is a form of denial which is the leading symptom of deceit …the symptom of a lie …counter accusations not withstanding.

The Desicration of Christmas? Oh well; play it again Sam!

Well, in the wake of the latest Case Schiller Report on housing …it seems that this one’s lack-luster report served economists (…one after another) with plenty of opportunity to pen a plethora of reports which have …in true cookie cutter fashion formed a chorus whose concern …in unison, harmonized to produce a variety of singals which are warning of the possiblilities of a double dip in a housing market.

These economist’s reports are speaking of the possibilities for record level mortgage defaults in the coming year in a double dip market.