See Something …Say Something; Blind Intelligence

Teaser photo: “George Orwell” Thanks to A Few Good Men … …and to those families whose loved ones were left behind to die alone in Benghazi … Jesus once […]


Is the invocation of Presidential Privilege left to Mr. Obama a reflection of the office’s Executive Order privileges merely an continuation of over-steps whose unhealthy wanton displays of child-like disregards for our nation’s fiscal well being and security evidence enough that he is not for us …but altogether anti American?

Doomed Before or After Midterms?

   For more posts …please visit:  Wednesday, July 09, 2014    Is the US Doomed To Repeat History? By Executive Prerogative?   These are the questions I believe […]

Paul Ryan …Why My Favorite

For more posts …please visit:   Wednesday, July 09, 2014   My FAVORITE: Paul Ryan & Why …!!! Let’s Talk Numbers And Who is Best Prepared to Talk […]

“…But without faith …

“…But without faith

(or rather …without believing, if you will …)

…. it is impossible to please God …”

Without doubt, there remains an unchanging mutual understanding of the spirit of faith present in our nation’s founding father’s minds as they joined together to pen and purpose our nation’s declaration of independence.

Guiding Lights’ Lamps Leading Forward

For more posts …please visit: Saturday, August 10, 2013   A Guiding Light and a Lamp Leading Forward Today, as ever before, both the Republican and Democratic parties […]

Cut, Cap & Balance

In my humble opinion, there’s got to be a better way to safeguard fiscal sanity other than by putting a chastity belt around the federal government’s purse strings.

They put muzzles on mean wild dogs don’t they?

Horses and stagecoaches come equipped with reins, yes?

Are GSEs …Freddie and Fannie on Track to Collide with Public’s Interest; Hurtling Toward an Anti Trust Suit?

> Since when did it become pc for Uncle Sam to believe …that it is in the public’s better interest for the public to shoulder this mess …leaving the tax-payer with the burden to carry …the impact of those its deemed NOT too-big-to-fail?
> I would suppose it impossible to expect that the Obama administration would call for an anti-trust suit to break up their ballance sheets.
> But maybe the Tea Party could take up the call and make a charge to assail both parts (both sides of the isle in Washington) whose lesser wills have promoted this mess.
> After all, if our major body politic won,t take up the fight for “…We the People …” Maybe that which is least willwash our feet instead.

Ax the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction?

Stimulation vs. Depression

One moment it’s stimulate; the next it’s depress.

So what’s next; more uncertainty?

That would be good for housing and employment now, wouldn’t it?

CNBC; you can’t seem to make a consistent supportive call toward private sector solution in many of your segments …”The Call” not withstanding ….at least not in one viable practical solution which validly is capable to consider that which promotes the rights of the individual over and above the needs of the state …our Beggar and Beggar-like …Big Brother.

Which came first; the individual or Big Brother?

Read the constitution if you can’t answer this without hesitation.

I don’t know; but, the last time I checked …the government was ordained and establish to serve the needs of the individual …and not vice versa.

I know! I’ve lived in a few countries where the worker served the state …mostly without a single shred of private incentive.

CNBC, since when did the servant become the lord here?

Make no mistake about it; I do not work or live to serve you either!

Likewise, in your discussion of: Tax Incentives & Reward vs. Tax Penalties …I have to ask; …where is the slightest mention of the private incentives’ side of you conversation gone hidden?

Me rather thinks that you have deliberately, blindly …or otherwise stuffed this more meaningful other side of the discussion into a little black box and carefully placed it in the back of a dimly lit room?


Make no mistake …the answer which serves the private sector a better solution …most certainly does not lie in the public solution.

But in as far as …so much potential as the private side of the equation has …why have the other (still bigger government and its needs) so swamped out the interests of “…We the People …?”

Why then has this lop-sided conversation’s considerations continued unchecked along such detrimental lines?

So, rather than continue to be blind-sided; I must ask ….

So, who’s on your side? Who’s got your back? Whose interests are being served here in this lop-sided discussion?

What’s to loose?

The rights of the individual …or the needs of a failed ,,,self-serving government hell-bent on establishing and moving forward a socially engineered new liberal order?


To America, in regard to Her …The Deficit Commission …I say;

Beware, do not become the administration’s next …

New Whipping Boys …the next one gone up …given upon the Chopping Block …much without so much a consideration of what actually works to move freedom forward efficiently …alas; the demise and power of private enterprise …up in smoke.

For an example of the impact of taxation; see the causes of “The Great Depression.”