Fiscal Accountability vs. Shame & Blame

This being Thanksgiving weekend, I wanted to look back through my Editorial Comment’s files to find a file whose subject matter might convey a noteworthyThanksgiving holiday sentiment …someting for which I am extremely thanikful.

As such, I believe I found something both timely and appropriate.

When I found this file, it served to remind me of how so very thankful I am to live in a country which protects my individual rights to practice and experience my personal independence under liberty with …the freedoms to think, to write and to speak my mind freely encouraged to be all that I can be …a unique healthy and prosperous individual …capable to pursue life …liberty and what makes me happy.

Here then, in retrospect …is a piece which I first wrote and blasted out via e-mail on October 21st, 2009 which conveys my thankfulness for the recent events in which our nation expressed Her very own individual sentiments earlier this November.

And though we all are unique members of one body …we went to the polls and essentially spoke with one unified voice …and I am extremely thankful for this turning embrace of reason refreshed.

After long since first writing it, I re-read and edited it today.

As such, I strongly believe I should publish it …especially since there is still thus far …so much work yet to be done …moving away from this month …thas is to say; there is still much America needs to do in order to take aim at willfully and deliberately tackling responsible fiscal accountability as a matter of Her most serious priority …unified as one nation …under God

And so, in keeping with hanksgiving … and consistent with the results of the general elections earlier this month, I believe that I should post my letter for Geoblography’s Thanksgiving weekend’s edition.

Hope you had a happy and restful Turkey Day Weekend!

Thank God we don’t eat eagles!

Thank God they live freely.

Thank God we all …still live somewhat free today.

Blasted out October 21st, 2009 …edited Saturday November 27th, 2011 …Thanksgiving Weekend

Bush …Something for Nothing


Obama …Something for Still Less

Isn’t it an interesting note that, in spite of the fact that the former Bush administration’s tax cuts helped to generate historic, record-levels of tax receipt revenue for two years …the Obama administration’s spending promises to rise above and surpass the Bush’s deficits …in spite of the absence of the record level of tax receipts which benefited the Bush’s administration.

In the wake of this absent tax revenue …the deficits before Obama will dwarf those belonging to the blame and shame now conveniently ascribed to Bush.

None the less, does this excuse Obama to make for still greater deficits …deficits for which Obama has been so hyper-critical of Bush by painstakingly ….time and time again pointing out …those for which he blames Mr. Busch are those which he …Mr. Obama …merely inherited.

These record level tax receipts occurred in consecutive years …running back-to-back …between 2006 and 2008.

And now, those years are gone, but what remains the same is the record level of spending in both of these two back to back administrations.

Curiously lacking in both administrations is the lack of emphasis upon spending withstraints. So also is the unwillingness to embracing fiscal responsibility.

But the resemblances of these two administrations’ similarities stop here. The level of tax receipts collected under Obama’s administration fall far short of the Bush-era record tax receipts.

Those record tax receipt levels are, for sure …long gone …scarce as a two-dollar bill. (….now being printed and sold as collectors’ items? Go figure …two for $ 10 under sanction by a private civilian contractor.)

Yes, make no mistake about it …for all this; it may be said that President Bush …inexcusably committed a deeply grave and gross error …in deviating from prudent fiscal oversight …a legacy which Obama has also seemingly embraced by merely excusing and characterizing his right to spend more by reason to excuse the same function …the sanction of a mess which is …as he says …is one he merely inherited.

And, so far …the American public has swallowed this sort of pretzel-logic.

Sounds like; ” …My daddy was an addict …so I am too.”

Granted, the Bush administration’s …overspending habits combined to more than overshadow and offset his historic, record levels of tax receipts …resulting in huge deficits …in spite of his economic stimulation …the resulting affect of his administration’s tax policies.

The facts speak for themselves and the differences are clear …especially in terms of the Bush-era’s success in generating tax receipt record levels.

Thus, for all the good that the Bush tax cuts may have been able to produce, the net sum gain of his spending resulted in essentially producing a wash …a net zero-sum gain …due in large part …if not totally …to an unsurpassed fiscal irresponsibility …that is until Obama came around wagging his fickle finger of blame.

But when did the ascription of shame and blame excuse and confer the right to excuse the same sort of error?

Since when did blame and shame come to serve as an excuse to justify even worse behavior? How then could this serve to dignify …hiding behind what Obama calls the mess of his inheritance?

What then is he doing in an even grander scale …with fewer resources …turning and leaning precariously all the more on a heavier reliance …sickness …illness …in a seeming endless insatiable addiction to debt?

Where is all to end? At what point is enough …enough?

Talk about taking political license! Please people! Wake up! Wake up and put your collective feet down in unison …united …united in solidarity.

I honestly believe that there was more uproar from both isles over the Bush administration’s fiscal irresponsibility than there is now!

What’s that all about? Are we to be counted as sheep for the slaughter …all the day long?

Oh! Say! Can’t you see …?

What has blinded our discernment …our discretion …our better judgements …our ability to apply knowledge with understanding in wisdom?

Are we blind to hope then …destined to repeat our error and relive woe …over and over again?

O, brother!

Why keep doing the same thing over and over …with the hope that things will eventually change for the better?

That’s insanity!

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that two wrongs do not make a right.

And it sure as hell does not give one the right to look back in anger and critically justify more of the same …the same insane fiscal irresponsible spending habits …habits whose addictions are based …in routine …repetitious bet on the come …habits which assume …we have the nature to the right ($$$) to give away frivolously.

What kind of character is that which we have become …which we have practiced by our debilitative routine behavior? And that’s becoming tarnished by allowances …liberal allowances …with longer and longer rope …at the end of which …is becoming devoid of checks and balances.

Balance? Speaking of which …we are growing a ginormous debt balance …the service costs of which are what is really getting out of hand.

The one thing America has to give for sure …out of obligatory reason …is the service cost ( the debt load) …the interest paid to her foreign creditors …and that’s translating into greater and greater imbalances …and fewer and fewer chartered services returned to her people …a dwindling ability to service and transfer Her (America’s) real abundance of Her wealth.

And this wealth is not a monetary social give away.

It is not granted by way of any entitlement.

It is …as it always was …opportunity in liberty and freedom for all.

However, there is this weakening of America …the reliance and illness of debt …which is making us all the more poorer and poorer with each passing day …all while the dollar continues to weaken …all the more with each dollar Lady Liberty is borrowing and printing.

Don’t be fooled and sold on the seemingly endless bet-on-the-come empty schemes’ promises.

America’s is becoming progressively …awash of such schemes whose promises’ allure are become the panacea de’jour …cure alls.

But, such as they are …America will merely weaken and Her debt will bury us all while we sleep in our lame choices.

The truth is that we can ill-afford to continue to spend without realizing the urgent need to stand, turn, face and fight the direct debilitative consequences of these poor choices …which threatens the legacy of this nation for endless generations …like a lingering bad taste in one’s mouth.

Such as it were, America can ill-afford to continue to believe that it is possible to have cake and eat it too.

Otherwise, America will have another thing coming in the form of one rude awakening after another…much to Her own demise …the one we all have inherited for our lack of correct and proper action.

Soon, the continuance of a “Bet on the come” fiscal reliance will obviate and overshadow the current Obama administration’s self-justifiable social righteousness …that mind-set which Obama repeatedly used in opportunities to give Bush and conservatives everywhere a black eye.

Make no mistake about it; Bush handed Obama and liberals everywhere the opportunity to look backward in anger.

And Obama seized the opportunity to use it like a lever …and so engage and polarize the American voting public …within his tireless tirades of blame and shame.

And it worked …howbeit if for only a short period.

But the hangover of the honeymoon is long passed.

And for as much as I can tell, it is already time for an annulment.

For you see, there is no solution of viably workable change in blame and shame …not worthy of hope.

The only work produced by blame and shame is that of division.

For this cause …it seems to be; Second verse …same as the first …but a little bit (or, rather …a lot…) more worse ….

For as inexcusable …and as out of control as the Busch administration’s spending was …the larger deficits of the Obama administration …now, promises nothing more in its endless narrative of empty blame and shame …His administration’s lack of priority …not withstanding.

And as far as hope and change is concerned, Obama’s misdirected misguided leadership’s priorities have failed to produce the sort of stuff … substantive confidence capable of moving forward with anything he’s touched …or ignored …the economy not withstanding.

And this lack of opportunity taken …is one which has taken us deeper into debtor’s prison.

Truth be told, Obama’s choice of solution in blame and shame is less of a narrative of hope and change than it is a choice for the blind to become the leader of the blind …blind lemmings all who swallow it all up.

Since when did it become Politically Correct to B-lame?

Answer: When it become P.C. to B-Poor.

Go figure! So what is the narrative so misguided? Is ignorance really bliss?

Seriously! Since when did the height of hypocrisy become P.C.?

I feel as sorry for whoever is Obama’s successor …when …with respect for what he will likely inherit from Mr. Obama.

God help us all if, one such as this were to stand and repeat the Obama liturgy; “…I did not create this mess; I merely inherited it!”

As for now, in the wake of precious fewer tax receipts …and significantly higher debt loads, whoever it may be …will likely wind up with a lesser than zero-sum gain.

What I would like to know is; is there anyone out there who has what it takes to make the tough choice to break from the path of debt and fiscal irresponsibility …the one which Obama continues to characterize as …his inheritance?

Who has the will to own up to the task at hand …and make priority his own …in ownership?

Whoever it might be; I sure would like to shake his hand and give him my vote and unwavering support.

A candidate like this is one I could really get behind.

Otherwise, if such candidates do not exist, the Obama characterization of America’s inheritance is ours …an American Legacy …one disowned …one shunned …one in which whose responsibilities have been shrugged and shirked in meager measures whose attempts are meant to excuse blind negligence in favor to pursue willful politically motivated agendas whose opportunities serve merely to bypass the course of a more rational and prudent reason.

Such reason’s logically would have otherwise …with a goodly measure …serve to have focused upon more urgent pressing matters …the economy not withstanding for one.

And like it or not …we owe it to Lady Liberty …to have Her and to hold …to dress Her and keep Her …to the best of our united and well purposed, responsible best abilities.

Yes, America …She was made for all us …to keep …not to break Her with bipartisan, self-serving, politically motivated aspirations and agendas.

Such is the stuff of self-serving innuendos of blame and shame.

America has enough urgent common priorities in plain sight.

America deserves viable solutions of promise …and that in an order of logic no less.

America is a proud nation …one under God.

So, why the lack of order …why the chaos?

Who is being served by forcing America to serve confusion?

Certainly …not “…We the People …!”

Love Her or not; united we stand …divided we B-LAME

Come the next general election …united will not B-Obama.

Fine kettle of fish!

We had soon better get the order of our priorities straight and in order.

For all our bickering and blame and shame …we are losing time in the waning moments of the fourth quarter …and we had better recognize …just how far behind our opponent we are!!!

Maybe we should start straightening our values …starting with cementing agreement within the promises of our unity …in the bond of peace.

That’s my take.

God bless,


72 thoughts on “Fiscal Accountability vs. Shame & Blame

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    1. 2010/12/14 at 23:48 | In reply to Backlinks.
      You are more than welcome my friend.

      Thank you for your comments.

      It is readers like you who make my day.

      No, I have only recently launched the site a few weeks ago. To be honest with you, I started writing personal editorial comments some six to seven years ago …blasting my essays and letters out …simply via e-mail.

      This include a wide array of medium and major media distributors.

      However, I decided that I could more effectively reach many more by going on line …so, I decided to make the plunge thanks due …in large part to a friend who encouraged me to do so.

      With his tutorial aid …that of a couple of days or so, I took heart and belief that I could do the rest by myself.

      So armed with a terrific staff that I have found at a particular ISP, I took the ball and am now up and running …er, well at least I am making baby steps …as it were …it is …and I’m loving it.

      If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

      As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

      Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

      All the best,

      Bill Landman
      Wichtia, KS

    1. Thank you for your generous comments.

      It is readers like you who make my work a joy.

      I am delighted you have enjoyed some of my blog’s posts.

      I hope that you might continue to find the content I provide …thought provoking and stimulating.

      I find that there is nothing more enjoyable than to have a positive impact on the nation’s mind-set in such a manner so as to essentially move a worthy cause forward …getting the opportunity to participate in the national conversation.

      To the end that we share this common interest, here is wishing you all the best in the new year my friend.

      I am humbled and honored that you would share your encoragement with me.

      For taking your time …all the best my friend,


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    1. You are more than welcome my friend.

      Thank you for your comments.

      It is readers like you who make my day.

      Yes, I would naturally be interested in any sharing and co-op venture …just as long as you would be willing to give me the opportunity to review your work before I decide and agree to post your pieces.

      If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

      As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

      Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

      And until the next time …

      All the best,

      Bill Landman
      Wichtia, KS

  3. My wife and I genuinely enjoyed reading material on this blog post, I was just interested to acknowledge if you share featured posts? I am always attempting to find somebody to make trades with but it’s simply an idea I would inquire.

  4. Thank you for your response, but to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring.

    I am committed to posting almost daily …and would like to be as responsive to you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  5. Thank you for your response. I would enjoy a discussion, but to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring.

    I am committed to posting almost daily …and would like to be as responsive to you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  6. Thank you for your response, but to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring?

    I am committed to posting almost daily …and would like to be as responsive to you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  7. Thank you for your response. I would be interested to know precisely as to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring?

    I am committed to posting almost daily …and would like to be as responsive to you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  8. Thank you for your response. , I would be interested to know precisely as to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring?

    I am committed to posting almost daily, if not; then weekly.

    As such I would like to be as responsive to you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  9. Thank you for your encouraging feedback.

    If you have the time, I would be interested in knowing …precisely as to which one of my posts …in particular are you referring?

    I am committed to posting almost daily, if not; then weekly.

    As such I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can.

    Thank you …and have a good day.

    All the best,


  10. It is readers like you who make my day.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  11. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.

    Hoped you liked it …if not, then at least …found it interesting.

    If you have a chance to revist my site, you may discover, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then, on a weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  12. Thank you for visiting my website.

    If you have revisted my site, you may discover, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  13. ….to the man behind the curtain?

    It is readers like you who make my day.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  14. You are more than welcome my friend.

    Thank you for your comments.

    It is readers like you who make my day.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  15. You are more than welcome my friend.

    Thank you for your comments.

    It is readers like you who make my day.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  16. You are more than welcome my friend.

    Thank you for your comments, and I’m open to your suggestions

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    If something strikes your fancy, let me know the name of my blog you refer to so that I can respond more aptly.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichtia, KS

  17. You are more than welcome my friend.

    Thank you for your comments, and I’m open to your suggestions

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    If something strikes your fancy, let me know the name of my blog you refer to so that I can respond more aptly.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

  18. You are more than welcome my friend.

    Thank you for your comments, and I’m open to your suggestions

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    If something strikes your fancy, let me know the specific name of the post you refer to so that I can respond more aptly.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

  19. Thank you for asking me, but in order for me to reply more effectually please help me by letting me know the name of my post …by its title.

    You are more than welcome my friend.

    As always I will always try to be open to your suggestions.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    If something strikes your fancy, let me know the specific name of the post you refer to so that I can respond more aptly.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichita, KS

  20. Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments.

    If you have revisted my site, you may have discovered, I am constantly committed to posting …almost on a daily, if not; then weekly basis.

    If something strikes your fancy, let me know the specific name of the post if you refer one.

    That waay I can respond more aptly.

    As such, I hope you appreciate that I would like to be as responsive to my readers like you as I possibly can be.

    Thank you again for your encouraging comments …and have a good day.

    All the best,

    Bill Landman
    Wichita, KS

  21. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I enjoy seeing websites that understand the value of providing a prime resource for free. I truly loved reading your post. Thanks!

    1. Your website looks good and I will revisit it for the information you have made available.

      Here’s letting you know that you are on my mind and in my prayers for all the best in the new year my friend.

      All the best,


  22. An excellent friend of mine checks your website out frequently and advised that I look it over. The writing style is strong and the content is essential. Many thanks for the insight you provide the readers!

    1. Thank you for your comments and interest in my posts.

      I visited your website and found it incredibly facinating.

      Here’s wishing you a healthy and prosperous new years.

      All the best,


    1. Thank you Stefani!

      Thank you for you edifying words.

      Here’s thinking of you with appreciation for your readership.

      I hope you will continue to enjoy reading and sharing my posts with your friends.

      I live for readers like you who are willing to move the conversation forward.

      All the best,


    1. Lovely response!

      Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.

      I am flattered and humbled.

      I see by the address of your domain that you come to me by way of rossettastone.

      I lived in Europe for ten and a half years in which I learned to speak German somewhat.

      I hope you continue to enjoy my posts and would love to hear from you again.

      Until then, all the best!


    1. Are you asking me a question about taking classes?

      In America?

      If you are, there is not much here which is cost free.

      None the less, nothing is impossible if you believe in what is possible.

      That would be a statement of faith …or rather one of your believing.

      And I regard believing as a matter of reflections …the mirror of your heart.

      So as a man thinks …he acts.

      I say; as a man believe’s …he is.

      A famous philosopher once said; “I think; therefore I am.”

      I say if I can think to believe; I do.

      And if something is available; it is also receivable.

      Are you a person of great believing?

      Look at your actions and therein lies the answer.

      And if it is not there yet; seek to study the best example of believing.

      For therein lie all the promises of life and godliness according to all that is available …already …that which you have already received in the gift of who you may know you can become …the fulness of the stature of the Lord your God.

      Thank you for your rather general question.

      If I may be more specific, please let me know.

      All my best to you my friend …all the best!


    1. Yes!

      Happy New Year to you as well!

      I will raise a glass to success and happiness for you too!!!

      Thank you!

      I have visited Athens and would love to visit more of your wonderful country.

      So much more to explore.

      All the best!


    1. Posted on Hi there, I discovered your blog by the use of Google at the same time as sahecring for a similar matter, your web site came up, it looks great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.

      1. Thanks for the comment from the past. I do hope you have come back since your initial comment. I value all my readers and your comments. I just don’t have the time I need to get back to you all. At any rate, thanks for the reads. All the best!


  23. Thank you for your comment.

    Once, I tried to think concretely, but I dropped a few on my feet and ever since …I’ve been cured.

    All the best in the new year my friend …and keep coming back.


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