Happy New Year …!

Here is wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year …even as your soul prospers.

“…Pick your battles.” Its About Ego – Not Race; It’s …An Easy Pic-A-Ticket to 2012.

Who? Donald? Boldness? Courageous?


Just P l a I n

Hand-Picked Saps?

I believe there is a bit of wisdom in considering the expression that admonishes one to; “…Pick your battles.”

And so, with respect to Barack Obama’s response to Donald Trump’s recent cajouling …I have to wonder; why did President Obama pick this moment to respond to the matter of Donald’s obsession over Barack’s birth certificate?

I mean …as much as Barack could have relieased it in response to Sarah Palin. doesn’t this timely release speak volumes to Obama’s alterior motives in this “…Pick your battles.” moment’s worth of opportunity?

I mean; Obama couldn’t have picked a better moment to leverage the true Trump nature …blowing smoke up the skirt of Donald’s pride driven honor.

I mean; you have to give Barack his due in playing the pride card …blowing Trump’s ego …as if Donald needed anyone to blow his own horn for him.