Happy New Year …!

Here is wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year …even as your soul prospers.

Controlling Labor – A Look back in Anger

Photo Credit, Thanks to Prad Prathivi As for my post’s title; I should have labeled it …Mismanaging Labor. Alas, I believe this fellow …Tony Crescenzi, got to the heart of […]

Whatever, The Conversation of Handling Debt

I grew up in Hutchinson, Kansas, and I can still hear my father say; “Bill …,: he used to say; “…you have to learn to live within your means …” to which I dared never reply; “Whatever..!” Today, I would ask that you to join me in saying that private conversation is now publically long overdue.

Jobs, Stammering Lips & Tongues

Thus, who should receive credit for a stellar December 5th Jobs Report is a no brain-er. Its credit goes …in my book to OPEC. I wonder if OPEC members had the foresight to short oil before tipping their poker hand’s and production intentions.


Is the invocation of Presidential Privilege left to Mr. Obama a reflection of the office’s Executive Order privileges merely an continuation of over-steps whose unhealthy wanton displays of child-like disregards for our nation’s fiscal well being and security evidence enough that he is not for us …but altogether anti American?

…Raise the people …not the debt.

Now, here’s a novel idea …                 …Raise the people …not the debt.   After all, it should come as no surprise; People […]

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

In regard to private ownership; it really doesn’t much matter as to which came first; whether it was the chicken or the egg.

Likewise, jobs or housing …both questions are equally mute arguments.

But what does matter …especially going into the 2012 general election is the concept and principals that support and encourage an individual’s freedom to responsibly exercise their rights to private ownership. Notice the careful use of the word “…responsibly.”

And more specifically, at the very crux of this composition …there must be at the epicenter, an equally responsible body politic …long gone missing.

The Trouble with Tribbles

For more posts …please visit:   www.geoblography.com Monday, September 26, 2011 The Trouble with Tribbles The trouble with Tribbles was there just were too many of those little parasitic suckers. […]

I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas

Deck the Halls of Congress with Bells of Folly …

Oh, the joys of Christmas …anxiously awaiting the toys which may be expected …or not. Regardless, the surprise …or the disappointment which lies in store …just might be a function of today’s haste …a spirit’s calls whose preparations just might be the foreshadowing of the past’s waste …that which has opened the door of the present only to beckon back the spirit of the past waste, no?

Go figure. Three years of waste …to move forward to today’s haste …to welcome further …still more waste?

You know they say; “…A stitch in time saves nine …”

Its corollary has been stated such that haste makes waste.

And this corollary can be stated simply, such that; waste makes for haste.

Like truths, when aptly applied …like geometry …these adages beg the following rather serious question.

Have the US fallen under these adage’s spells? Have they has netted the U.S. a return on Her investment which is (nine XXXXXXXX) nine times the haste of the last three years’ waste?

If so, today’s extra large sized (9X) net of haste must not be allowed to morph into the sea of a second merry-go-round of nine-squared worth’s (9X9) waste …the likes of which have come and gone over the last three years’ worth of wasted time, money and blind-sighted effort in neglect and lack of a more sure due-diligent aim and note-worthy purpose. (For whatever is the aim and purpose of socialism …other than to live to serve the fricking government….and that beyond “We the People …? Feed Me Seymour?)

9 X 9 = 81 times the waste …if, you know what I mean, yes?

And that all will most likely face a multiplier affect attributable to inflation …when and if the U.S. further opens the floodgates’ doors further.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]