Party-On Garth …!

Photo Credit Thanks to:  Daniel Horacio Agostini’s Party? Party-ON …Garth!   Don’t Click on Garth above ..! It will open up a video of 25 of Garth’s funniest lines. What, […]

Higher Property Taxes!

Photo Credit belongs to:  Lucle Bluebird-Lexington whose work speaks for itself.   Since when did paying more and higher taxes make anyone feel more free …?   Higher Personal Property Taxes […]

The Fed’s Comments; 50 Shades of Nay…!

Who are They to disagree? What’s Not Working for Wombs  to Be? Re:   Central Banks’  foreseeable foreshadowing affects of their out of sync, uncoordinated artificial macro stimuli. I.E.:   […]

Part 4 to the Preface; The Fate of the Wait While the Cost is Lost

Is America’s mindset becoming more apt and inclined to be ok with producing weaklings …weaklings who may become still more fearful of making sacrifices than this generation is in all of its hope for change?
Fine kettle of fish!

Part 2 to the Preface of; The Fate of the Wait Is in the Rate While the Cost is Lost

  May 10th, 2012 The post which was referenced  below (from Part 1) was originally posted:   Friday, September 02, 2011. It was then, edited, revised and reposted:  Saturday, September […]

Part 1 to The Preface; The Fate of the Wait is in The Rate While The Cost is Lost

The reason why I am prefacing and planning to re-post my September 16th, 2011’s original post is because, I believe today …it has become more pertinent today than ever before.

After the French Presidential Election, I am more convinced than ever Americans are being strung along …day after day …more than merely paying the costs to just tote the note …those service costs associated with America’s Public Debt.

Last year, I attempted to characterize this in other terms by referring to this cost in a way which explains the service costs called the “Debt Load” as …and in terms of “The Fate of the Rate …” as being actually “…the Cost of the Lost.”

The Fate comprises the lost factors of time and money in various unforeseen or unnoticed dimensions with respect to the added dynamics of various depths of rates whose limits are limited by finite time constructs.

Enough said for the time being; the Treasury Department holds a periodic recurring series of Treasury sales whose calendar period repeats over and over nearly every two months …just like clock work …come rain or shine …regardless of supply and whoever shows up to participate in these garage-sale-like auctions.

Aside from organic market dynamics, as deemed necessary, QE1 and QE-2 has filled the vacuum in the event and at the ever increasing times of waning participation …I.E.; a lack of demand …as if to beg the question; what if they gave an auction and no one showed?

Where are Principled Sextant, the Astrolabe, the Compass All?

Sadly, as is, the course in Washington today, the President, Congress and Ben Benanke have all but charted (intentionally …or otherwise) one which has taken America to sail into heretofore, uncharted waters …now sailing away (dead reckoning …as it were) without the guide and principled aids of navigation’s more reliable, well-founded, forms of reliant checks and prudent navigational measures.

Unstable waters? Questionably one trifle which begs for a measure of compare? For without measure, these are likely anything but calm waters.

Geithner, Tripping Out in Disney Land

In my humble opinion, Merkel and Germany should show Timothy Geithner the SOFA and offer him an early flight home.
After all, he has his hands full without needing to escape reality.
Isn’t Disney Land enough of a Fantasy?
Let’s get real …as in agreeing to equally embrace the necessary disciplinary measures of austerity.

After all, on this trip …there are no more short cuts to tune in …drop out …and turn on to any more.

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

I find it an interesting objective commentary to closely view and scrutinize the observations and comments of third-parties’ consternations….the lowest form of which is otherwise known as gossip.

My case in point today is one which I have deliberately chosen to make, taking it from a lesson which came to mind in a lesser-known and seldom quoted Biblical parable …one which chillingly reminds me of the today’s events and affects of all things European.

The Trouble with Tribbles

For more posts …please visit: Monday, September 26, 2011 The Trouble with Tribbles The trouble with Tribbles was there just were too many of those little parasitic suckers. […]