Deficit’s, Trump’s Golden Egg

Photo by Choo Yut Shing: The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg Who wouldn’t want to possess the goose that lays the golden eggs? Well, having been made President […]

Party-On Garth …!

Photo Credit Thanks to:  Daniel Horacio Agostini’s Party? Party-ON …Garth!   Don’t Click on Garth above ..! It will open up a video of 25 of Garth’s funniest lines. What, […]

Controlling Labor – A Look back in Anger

Photo Credit, Thanks to Prad Prathivi As for my post’s title; I should have labeled it …Mismanaging Labor. Alas, I believe this fellow …Tony Crescenzi, got to the heart of […]

Either Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

Any Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

I was listening to a discussion on a financial news network the other day which focused on S&P’s downgrade. As it was, the topic turned to a consideration of how a country should use its debt.

And invariably, the discussion’s topic landed on the issue’s which centered around about what could and should be done to bolster both growth and ensuring that public policy establish a solid foundation which could rebuild confidence to translate hope into a lasting, widespread organic economic recovery.

Without such there will likely be no broader manifestation of any growth …let alone an increased sense of prosperity.

As the discussion progressed, it focused upon an issue in which the debate’s concerns arrived at what actually makes for a return on investment …I.E; …the bang for the buck ..which is …of course …in essence …is an issue of the value of the dollar.

As it were, the discussion turned to regard the value of the various uses of public debt as an economic and a political tool.

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

I find it an interesting objective commentary to closely view and scrutinize the observations and comments of third-parties’ consternations….the lowest form of which is otherwise known as gossip.

My case in point today is one which I have deliberately chosen to make, taking it from a lesson which came to mind in a lesser-known and seldom quoted Biblical parable …one which chillingly reminds me of the today’s events and affects of all things European.

Know What I Mean Maynard?

  Know What I Mean Maynard?         Dear Vern, Do you recognize the following quote? “The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” It […]

S&P Grade; Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth

Friday evening, I was reading and listening to as many media resources …such as I could get my hands on …so as to get a grasp on the various media takes on the recent S&P downgrade of America’s Credit.

My take away from the deluge of the various news agencies offered me a unique and insightful view on number of wide-ranging variety of takes on this news moving forward.

After learning of this event; this is what I believe I found out in my approach to the media’s window

Kudos For A First Step To Move Us All Forward

To Rand Paul:

Kudos for speaking your mind today Rand Paul!!!

You are so right in one respect. This vote to raise the debt ceiling is not going to stop the annual deficits’ from contributing huge sums to the debt. Your are right this bill will not stop the fact nor the affect that each yearly deficit will continue to grow the public debt.

In this, this still will not much alleviate the huge sums which still need to be borrowed in order to sustain the spending habits necessary to support the governmnet in a lean revenue environment …one in which tax receipts are still a very scarce and harsh reality.

The paradox of reality’s pain has not yet well embraced.

Otherwise, it would have been more than well met and dealth with the necessary degree of resolve demanded in principal and scope by means which would have otherwise …resolved …long ago …to reconcile our debt in and with a rather greater certain measure of calm fiscal sanity.

And you are right that it will merely slow it down a bit …still allowing the debt to grow by 7 trillion dollars …rather than 11 trillion over the next ten years.

I understand why you declared tonight that you will not vote for the Bill when the House Bill is presented to the Senate.

On principal, it is no wonder why …over 60 Republican Nay VOTES were recorded in tonight’s House Vote.

Harry Ried’s Game Let’s You And Him Fight

In consideration of all of Senator Reid’s digs and innuendos’ …his pat answers make no more than one gigantic piece of work …which is still not going to work for “…We the People …”

His scripted sound bytes have even gone as far as to suggest that former President Regan’s deficits bear a strong resemblance to today’s debt’s relative magnitude.


For one, to suggest such is to obviate …overlook and turn a blind eye to the fact that today …the health of the economy and the prevailing lack of confidence herein …only causes today’s deficits and prevailing economic malaise …to pale …when …and if …truth be told …is allowed to serve as a more sobering measure of a more truthful comparison.

Therein, the Senator’s drivel doesn’t make for a stable leg to stand on before making such broad sweeping comparisons …those whose logic and arguments are both untimely and can hold no water.

A cracked cistern can hold no water …such a cracked pot not withstanding.

Cut, Cap & Balance

In my humble opinion, there’s got to be a better way to safeguard fiscal sanity other than by putting a chastity belt around the federal government’s purse strings.

They put muzzles on mean wild dogs don’t they?

Horses and stagecoaches come equipped with reins, yes?