Controlling Labor – A Look back in Anger

Photo Credit, Thanks to Prad Prathivi As for my post’s title; I should have labeled it …Mismanaging Labor. Alas, I believe this fellow …Tony Crescenzi, got to the heart of […]

The Fed’s Comments; 50 Shades of Nay…!

Who are They to disagree? What’s Not Working for Wombs  to Be? Re:   Central Banks’  foreseeable foreshadowing affects of their out of sync, uncoordinated artificial macro stimuli. I.E.:   […]

Where are Principled Sextant, the Astrolabe, the Compass All?

Sadly, as is, the course in Washington today, the President, Congress and Ben Benanke have all but charted (intentionally …or otherwise) one which has taken America to sail into heretofore, uncharted waters …now sailing away (dead reckoning …as it were) without the guide and principled aids of navigation’s more reliable, well-founded, forms of reliant checks and prudent navigational measures.

Unstable waters? Questionably one trifle which begs for a measure of compare? For without measure, these are likely anything but calm waters.

One Bad Apple

Support American ownership.

And if you can not distinguish a winner from a loser; then, America will do the job by replacing you in the wake of your miserable failure.

Yes, failure is more of an option than a faddy fashion accessory …pejoratives not withstanding.

Hand outs are no way to craft incentive for ownership …save promote ones own political office …and that is so passe’.

And in this wise; beware …there are bad apples whose design it is to spoil the entire lot by making those who are to come …losers ,,,one and all by reason of an unbridled …unchecked debt.

So, the next time you hear someone speak for all by saying; “…We do not believe that the government should be in the business of picking winners and losers …” better take a closer look under the hood.

Kick the tires while you are at it too.

Your kids and their loser kids may thank you for taking a closer look.

Own your destiny; manage your character.

Craft your fate …and offer your children the opportunity to do the same as well as you now have a day with which to do something constructive about private ownership.

I like my apple pie served up warm and fresh.

How about you?

Either Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

Any Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

I was listening to a discussion on a financial news network the other day which focused on S&P’s downgrade. As it was, the topic turned to a consideration of how a country should use its debt.

And invariably, the discussion’s topic landed on the issue’s which centered around about what could and should be done to bolster both growth and ensuring that public policy establish a solid foundation which could rebuild confidence to translate hope into a lasting, widespread organic economic recovery.

Without such there will likely be no broader manifestation of any growth …let alone an increased sense of prosperity.

As the discussion progressed, it focused upon an issue in which the debate’s concerns arrived at what actually makes for a return on investment …I.E; …the bang for the buck ..which is …of course …in essence …is an issue of the value of the dollar.

As it were, the discussion turned to regard the value of the various uses of public debt as an economic and a political tool.

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

I find it an interesting objective commentary to closely view and scrutinize the observations and comments of third-parties’ consternations….the lowest form of which is otherwise known as gossip.

My case in point today is one which I have deliberately chosen to make, taking it from a lesson which came to mind in a lesser-known and seldom quoted Biblical parable …one which chillingly reminds me of the today’s events and affects of all things European.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]

The Rate of the Wait; The Cost of the Lost

The magnitude of the money required to service the interest costs generated by the public debt is stopping for no one.

With respect to its costs; the rate to wait has benefited no one save the administration which has not missed a beat in every opportunity to turn a blind eye on housing …while jabbing the financial sector in the eye with a sharp stick.

Once upon a time, not too long ago …I lived in Hungary at a time in which the rate of inflation was running at 33%. As high as that may have been …it was a promising time. People were full of hope and looking towards a brighter future. And as bleak as 79 % effective tax rates were, optimism was running rampant.

Unlike what we have here in the U.S.A. today, there and then …the velocity in the Hungarian market could only be characterized as torrential. Money was moving at an amazing spead. Opportunity was in the air.

However, here …overall broad spectrum inflation has not raised its ugly head here …now, primarily because velocity is anemically low …and whatever inflation currently exists has been rather limited to commodities in a low demand …low growth environment.

The Costs of Artificial Global Monetary Policies

Is Down The New Organic?

Not Hardly!!!

Or, Is Down The Demise …of A New More Organic Reality …One Forever Gone Missing?

If So, Then, Falling Is A Price For Artificial’s Failing

…A Boldfaced Lie!


After All, Make The Bed — Sleep In It.


Artificial Global Monetary Policies — A Bed Too Narrow …Too Short.

A Squeeze Which Can Not Be Covered

The long-winded title of this piece is a forward looking opportunity whose reality may only be realized …if and only if ….global artificial monetary policy is taken …seriously …within respect to the proportionally larger object in our rear view mirror.

So, as woe be Europe and the other global economies …woe be US.

Artificial Monetary policy applies to the title in that it could also be titled more appropriately; What Goes Around …Comes Around.

So, in the wake of QE-1&2 …just when you thought that it was safe to go into the water …..jaws-III European and World style!!!

Dwarf that …if you care to try!!!