Higher Property Taxes!

Photo Credit belongs to:  Lucle Bluebird-Lexington whose work speaks for itself.   Since when did paying more and higher taxes make anyone feel more free …?   Higher Personal Property Taxes […]

…Raise the people …not the debt.

Now, here’s a novel idea …                 …Raise the people …not the debt.   After all, it should come as no surprise; People […]

Part 2 to the Preface of; The Fate of the Wait Is in the Rate While the Cost is Lost

  May 10th, 2012 The post which was referenced  below (from Part 1) was originally posted:   Friday, September 02, 2011. It was then, edited, revised and reposted:  Saturday, September […]

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

In regard to private ownership; it really doesn’t much matter as to which came first; whether it was the chicken or the egg.

Likewise, jobs or housing …both questions are equally mute arguments.

But what does matter …especially going into the 2012 general election is the concept and principals that support and encourage an individual’s freedom to responsibly exercise their rights to private ownership. Notice the careful use of the word “…responsibly.”

And more specifically, at the very crux of this composition …there must be at the epicenter, an equally responsible body politic …long gone missing.

Either Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

Any Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

I was listening to a discussion on a financial news network the other day which focused on S&P’s downgrade. As it was, the topic turned to a consideration of how a country should use its debt.

And invariably, the discussion’s topic landed on the issue’s which centered around about what could and should be done to bolster both growth and ensuring that public policy establish a solid foundation which could rebuild confidence to translate hope into a lasting, widespread organic economic recovery.

Without such there will likely be no broader manifestation of any growth …let alone an increased sense of prosperity.

As the discussion progressed, it focused upon an issue in which the debate’s concerns arrived at what actually makes for a return on investment …I.E; …the bang for the buck ..which is …of course …in essence …is an issue of the value of the dollar.

As it were, the discussion turned to regard the value of the various uses of public debt as an economic and a political tool.

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

I find it an interesting objective commentary to closely view and scrutinize the observations and comments of third-parties’ consternations….the lowest form of which is otherwise known as gossip.

My case in point today is one which I have deliberately chosen to make, taking it from a lesson which came to mind in a lesser-known and seldom quoted Biblical parable …one which chillingly reminds me of the today’s events and affects of all things European.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]

Know What I Mean Maynard?

  Know What I Mean Maynard?         Dear Vern, Do you recognize the following quote? “The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” It […]

Organizers vs. Agitators

In time, what’s the big deal if the net affect of giving up a measly tax credit or two offers big oil the opportunity to reap a harvest …allowing them to play an even greater (dominant) role in developing bridge fuel technologies after a cogress which is fiscally addicted to a Fed’s accomodative weak dollar (deficit- driven) fiscal irresponsibility.

As a politician, any one can survive …as long as one can maintain a


-like populist stance.

But, in reality; a well known man once said;

“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”

So, seriously; don’t be agitated, and for goodness sakes don’t be aggrevated.

For there are and have been many …who for years, it can be seen …have been pretty good at knowing how to peddle snake oil.

So, don’t be taken in unaware …by the very sensual and emotional nature of all their promises’ appeals and charms.

So, be sharp as a two edged sword, because you will need the truth to deal with whatever may be in each chamelions’ reptilian repitoir …populist non-sense not withstanding.

Care for some nice shinny rubby red apples, deary?

Don’t fall into a pit.

Become organized and plan to vote come 2012.

Above all, don’t confuse a community agitator with a community organizer.

Bottom line; don’t be fooled by a chameleon.

Chameleons crawl on their bellies like a snake …or any other reptile.

And while they pretend to speak for all …they speak for no one but themselves.

O Joshua!

A Sagaciously Simple Essay by Charley Reese; 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Regarding 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Charley Reese’s final column for the Orlando Sentinel

Consider the following as an opportunity to read a truly inspirational essay from a well-seasoned writer.

After reading an essay titled: 545 vs. 300,000,000 People …I became instantly inspired such that I simply must pass this man’s work on …as so many others before me have as well.

I received this essay from a friend via an E-mail which came to me this week.

It so impressed me by its sagacious simplicity that I just had to look at it in more depth.

Afterwards, I expanded my meditation and contemplation of it …conducting a Google search in which I used its title as my search parameter: “545 vs. 300,000,000 People”

I took the liberty to post my search returns below. Please take a look at these sites. If you do, I believe that you will find …as I did; that there is …not only a wide spread acceptance and agreement of this author’s essay’s simple …yet powerful theme; there is also a spirit whose powerful appeal also speaks to reach deep into the character of the American human persona.

In this regard, I believe the essay’s strong appeal emanates from an unmistakable call to collectively take strong individual responsible action for what was intended …in purpose, to serve all Americans in making this a land a land of free opportunity in which one is free to pursue his or her happiness.

Yet, for all this, there is a certain thread of a theme throughout the essay …one of blame which …like the three fingers which point back to self …on a hand which points away from self.

And in this regard the one to blame is not the system; it is the apathetic individual.

What is the bottom line?

Americans must take more personal responsible action and become more engaged …rather than become more blame gamers in a sea awash with apathy.