Door Bell Debt Ringer

Depressing this:  And this doorbell’s debt ringer should serve you as a wakeup call, but it will not and does not even begin to take into account what future irresponsibility will […]

Jobs, Stammering Lips & Tongues

Thus, who should receive credit for a stellar December 5th Jobs Report is a no brain-er. Its credit goes …in my book to OPEC. I wonder if OPEC members had the foresight to short oil before tipping their poker hand’s and production intentions.

Power. Ground & the Last One Who Touched It.

For more posts …please visit: Sunday, November 10, 2013 Revised Sunday, November 10, 2013   Power. Ground and the One Who Touched It Last, …or You Can Fool […]

Geithner, Tripping Out in Disney Land

In my humble opinion, Merkel and Germany should show Timothy Geithner the SOFA and offer him an early flight home.
After all, he has his hands full without needing to escape reality.
Isn’t Disney Land enough of a Fantasy?
Let’s get real …as in agreeing to equally embrace the necessary disciplinary measures of austerity.

After all, on this trip …there are no more short cuts to tune in …drop out …and turn on to any more.

I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas

Deck the Halls of Congress with Bells of Folly …

Oh, the joys of Christmas …anxiously awaiting the toys which may be expected …or not. Regardless, the surprise …or the disappointment which lies in store …just might be a function of today’s haste …a spirit’s calls whose preparations just might be the foreshadowing of the past’s waste …that which has opened the door of the present only to beckon back the spirit of the past waste, no?

Go figure. Three years of waste …to move forward to today’s haste …to welcome further …still more waste?

You know they say; “…A stitch in time saves nine …”

Its corollary has been stated such that haste makes waste.

And this corollary can be stated simply, such that; waste makes for haste.

Like truths, when aptly applied …like geometry …these adages beg the following rather serious question.

Have the US fallen under these adage’s spells? Have they has netted the U.S. a return on Her investment which is (nine XXXXXXXX) nine times the haste of the last three years’ waste?

If so, today’s extra large sized (9X) net of haste must not be allowed to morph into the sea of a second merry-go-round of nine-squared worth’s (9X9) waste …the likes of which have come and gone over the last three years’ worth of wasted time, money and blind-sighted effort in neglect and lack of a more sure due-diligent aim and note-worthy purpose. (For whatever is the aim and purpose of socialism …other than to live to serve the fricking government….and that beyond “We the People …? Feed Me Seymour?)

9 X 9 = 81 times the waste …if, you know what I mean, yes?

And that all will most likely face a multiplier affect attributable to inflation …when and if the U.S. further opens the floodgates’ doors further.

Organizers vs. Agitators

In time, what’s the big deal if the net affect of giving up a measly tax credit or two offers big oil the opportunity to reap a harvest …allowing them to play an even greater (dominant) role in developing bridge fuel technologies after a cogress which is fiscally addicted to a Fed’s accomodative weak dollar (deficit- driven) fiscal irresponsibility.

As a politician, any one can survive …as long as one can maintain a


-like populist stance.

But, in reality; a well known man once said;

“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”

So, seriously; don’t be agitated, and for goodness sakes don’t be aggrevated.

For there are and have been many …who for years, it can be seen …have been pretty good at knowing how to peddle snake oil.

So, don’t be taken in unaware …by the very sensual and emotional nature of all their promises’ appeals and charms.

So, be sharp as a two edged sword, because you will need the truth to deal with whatever may be in each chamelions’ reptilian repitoir …populist non-sense not withstanding.

Care for some nice shinny rubby red apples, deary?

Don’t fall into a pit.

Become organized and plan to vote come 2012.

Above all, don’t confuse a community agitator with a community organizer.

Bottom line; don’t be fooled by a chameleon.

Chameleons crawl on their bellies like a snake …or any other reptile.

And while they pretend to speak for all …they speak for no one but themselves.

O Joshua!

Demand Destruction Vs. Washington’s Lip Service

Choice seems to favor liberty. I know, I have visited and lived in communistic and former communist sattelite countries.
However, America has not and is not truly taking advantage of its diverse energy resources.
Likewise, in spite of the fact that America has long known that it has an energy problem; America has failed to become busy in a meaningful manner which agreesively promotes a build-out of a wider energy infrustructure.
Evidently, America’s policy makers do not share industries desire to actually ernestly desire to achieve energy independence.
In view of this failure to redeem the time; Washington seems to me …more willing to invite any policy detrimental or otherwise …which is cabalbe of weaking the dollar and thus fan the flames of inflation …still further than whatever means the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke has at his disposal …in his near empty arsenal.
Such poor policy choices as it is make for a lack of choice though. And, in my humble opinion …threatens Homeland Security in a way which most people are being taken unawares.
As such, America’s (comprehensive???) energy policy (…or, lack thereof …) reflect a sad lack of consideraton for Lady Liberty which is consistent with Washington’s lack of esteem for what should, otherwise be delivering …service by Her duely elected public servants.
Sadly, in the absence of an adequate abundance …let alone …a bare minimum of any due measure of what responsible considerations should otherwise be offering America Her the badly needed due diligent of responsible service; Wahsinton’s lack of esteem in its lax regard …is failing to promote a healthy energy independence …and have pretty much dropped the ball. “Yes (…Barack …) you have …!”

God Forbid; Take a Lesson from a Review of the AIG of Yesterday and Today?

God Forbid; the Lesson from a Review of the AIG of Yesterday and Today?

Prefacing Comment to the Letter Below:

Taking a look back, two years ago …I sent out a short letter which commented on compensation in the wake of an AIG compensation party held at a resort hotel. This party went down shortly after TARP was passed by Congress …and all hell broke out in the wake of such an untimely opportunity to celabrate AIG recipients for their successes.

On March 18th, 2009, in response to this by measure of no lack of egregous, media-driven, political grandstanding, I sent out an e-mail which is a form of the letter that I have pasted herein below.

Two years later, I think these subjects are worth revisiting to remember the topics which surrounded every media story at the time.

And for one reason or another these issues preoccupied and permiated the American mindset …if, but for only a matter of weeks or so.

So, now …with th passage of two years’ time; I have to wonder how much honest esteem for such calls’ greater discretion remains?

And so, now again; I have to wonder what of any significance …has changed in the last two short years which have passed to cover over this subject’s matters and concerns?

Are the seeds of such concerns still growing? Have such produced any fruit multiplied 30, 60 or a hundred fold? Or is this a mute case of an old story gone passe in the wake of the Gulf …and now Japan? (They shoot horses; don’t they? How about Boy Scouts?)

Or did the seeds of blame and shame fall upon more than fertile ground …upon more futile stages or self-serving interests …merely failing to produce the needed wisdom in any significant abundance which would …could …and shouold serve the greater interests of all?

What work is to gain profit so few by taking a lazy and mindless course? Wouldn’t it follow that these more imediate pursuits will easily and soon forgotten?

Then, why not remember these shortcommings and …compare their woes’ measures’ lessons taken from a measure of a greater appreciation for a work whose wisdom and ethics’ mindful pursuits produce meaningful fruit?

So, then …in that which is intentioned to grow from long-lasting, applicable understandings within efforts …less lazy; why not embrace a look back in a meaningful comparison …if not merely to remember what preocupied our minds …if but for such a short time?

Therefore, in such a comparitively relative short period of time, I have to ask what has Congress to show for the passage of its time …in service to raise due diligence to a level …which is worthy of serving to provide greater oversight and higher …more nobler …more honorable levels of responsibility …and adherance to corporate governance in performance systems which demonstrates consideration for the priority of far more nobler assurances …those which strive to achieve to promote quality leadership by reason of adherance to high standards, transparency and the clarity of honest, open-door accountability?

In other words, other than our collective votes; what other enhanced ways and means of oversight has America acrued that serves to speak of improved achievable measures of oversight, safeguards …in openly improved levels of transparency?