Controlling Labor – A Look back in Anger

Photo Credit, Thanks to Prad Prathivi As for my post’s title; I should have labeled it …Mismanaging Labor. Alas, I believe this fellow …Tony Crescenzi, got to the heart of […]

Whatever, The Conversation of Handling Debt

I grew up in Hutchinson, Kansas, and I can still hear my father say; “Bill …,: he used to say; “…you have to learn to live within your means …” to which I dared never reply; “Whatever..!” Today, I would ask that you to join me in saying that private conversation is now publically long overdue.

A Tragic House Divided is in Full Denial

Tragic! There is only so much in the way of denial’s witch craft that is capable of covering up the sad socio-economic state of a divided house …one which has been so poorly misguided that even […]

Choice! Choice! Yet, There Was None

Previously Posted under the name:  “Junk Mail“ Note Hillary’s picture on a piece of it featured in the teaser photo. See the teaser photo’s upper left hand corner.   A look […]

Trump Pride; Shameless Incorrigible Attitude

With respect to the advent of the 2016 Presidential Election cycle, I offer this posting which follows in the vein of the last Geoblography post (A Rebuke to Reprove The Donald) posted on […]


Is the invocation of Presidential Privilege left to Mr. Obama a reflection of the office’s Executive Order privileges merely an continuation of over-steps whose unhealthy wanton displays of child-like disregards for our nation’s fiscal well being and security evidence enough that he is not for us …but altogether anti American?

“…But without faith …

“…But without faith

(or rather …without believing, if you will …)

…. it is impossible to please God …”

Without doubt, there remains an unchanging mutual understanding of the spirit of faith present in our nation’s founding father’s minds as they joined together to pen and purpose our nation’s declaration of independence.

Power. Ground & the Last One Who Touched It.

For more posts …please visit: Sunday, November 10, 2013 Revised Sunday, November 10, 2013   Power. Ground and the One Who Touched It Last, …or You Can Fool […]

It’s the Bandwidth Bandits Baby …!

For more posts …please visit: Saturday, June 22, 2013   Bandwidth Bandits baby! Beware of the guise of the Bandwith Bandits baby! That’s right, it’s the Bandwidth Bandits, baby; […]

One Bad Apple

Support American ownership.

And if you can not distinguish a winner from a loser; then, America will do the job by replacing you in the wake of your miserable failure.

Yes, failure is more of an option than a faddy fashion accessory …pejoratives not withstanding.

Hand outs are no way to craft incentive for ownership …save promote ones own political office …and that is so passe’.

And in this wise; beware …there are bad apples whose design it is to spoil the entire lot by making those who are to come …losers ,,,one and all by reason of an unbridled …unchecked debt.

So, the next time you hear someone speak for all by saying; “…We do not believe that the government should be in the business of picking winners and losers …” better take a closer look under the hood.

Kick the tires while you are at it too.

Your kids and their loser kids may thank you for taking a closer look.

Own your destiny; manage your character.

Craft your fate …and offer your children the opportunity to do the same as well as you now have a day with which to do something constructive about private ownership.

I like my apple pie served up warm and fresh.

How about you?