Deficit’s, Trump’s Golden Egg

Photo by Choo Yut Shing: The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg Who wouldn’t want to possess the goose that lays the golden eggs? Well, having been made President […]

Higher Property Taxes!

Photo Credit belongs to:  Lucle Bluebird-Lexington whose work speaks for itself.   Since when did paying more and higher taxes make anyone feel more free …?   Higher Personal Property Taxes […]

Happy New Year …!

Here is wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year …even as your soul prospers.

Paul Ryan …Why My Favorite

For more posts …please visit:   Wednesday, July 09, 2014   My FAVORITE: Paul Ryan & Why …!!! Let’s Talk Numbers And Who is Best Prepared to Talk […]

Amy’s JetSki Bails On Old Navy Abandon

For more posts …please visit: Saturday, June 28, 2014   Of Whatever; Like, I’m Out of Here Dude!   or …   Beyond the Genius of “…”…Ulterior Forms […]

…Raise the people …not the debt.

Now, here’s a novel idea …                 …Raise the people …not the debt.   After all, it should come as no surprise; People […]

Where are Principled Sextant, the Astrolabe, the Compass All?

Sadly, as is, the course in Washington today, the President, Congress and Ben Benanke have all but charted (intentionally …or otherwise) one which has taken America to sail into heretofore, uncharted waters …now sailing away (dead reckoning …as it were) without the guide and principled aids of navigation’s more reliable, well-founded, forms of reliant checks and prudent navigational measures.

Unstable waters? Questionably one trifle which begs for a measure of compare? For without measure, these are likely anything but calm waters.

One Bad Apple

Support American ownership.

And if you can not distinguish a winner from a loser; then, America will do the job by replacing you in the wake of your miserable failure.

Yes, failure is more of an option than a faddy fashion accessory …pejoratives not withstanding.

Hand outs are no way to craft incentive for ownership …save promote ones own political office …and that is so passe’.

And in this wise; beware …there are bad apples whose design it is to spoil the entire lot by making those who are to come …losers ,,,one and all by reason of an unbridled …unchecked debt.

So, the next time you hear someone speak for all by saying; “…We do not believe that the government should be in the business of picking winners and losers …” better take a closer look under the hood.

Kick the tires while you are at it too.

Your kids and their loser kids may thank you for taking a closer look.

Own your destiny; manage your character.

Craft your fate …and offer your children the opportunity to do the same as well as you now have a day with which to do something constructive about private ownership.

I like my apple pie served up warm and fresh.

How about you?

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

In regard to private ownership; it really doesn’t much matter as to which came first; whether it was the chicken or the egg.

Likewise, jobs or housing …both questions are equally mute arguments.

But what does matter …especially going into the 2012 general election is the concept and principals that support and encourage an individual’s freedom to responsibly exercise their rights to private ownership. Notice the careful use of the word “…responsibly.”

And more specifically, at the very crux of this composition …there must be at the epicenter, an equally responsible body politic …long gone missing.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]