The Trouble with Tribbles

For more posts …please visit: Monday, September 26, 2011 The Trouble with Tribbles The trouble with Tribbles was there just were too many of those little parasitic suckers. […]

Recovery; It’s A Gas …Part 3

Should consumers despair that they …as of yet, still do not have the luxury to chose a commercially viable alternative at the pump?
Or should Americans take heart and stand up and celebrate the huge opportunity to make a call for a tremendous change …one which really would …should and will make a world wide world of difference for the betterment of consumers everywhere?
The choice is a no-brainer.
As such, for now …America (largely) has made no such choice to either stand nor make the call for such an alternative bridge fuel …in mass.
And, such as has been the case to date …this (non-call …at it were) has long stood to produce an advantage whose single most dominant luxury is being enjoyed (…like no other position can afford) …by one single segment …of an industry group …one which is comprised by a handful of rather lucky dominant oil exporters.

Recovery; It’s A Gas …Part 2

After all, without choice …America; She is an enslaved patient …force-feeding a system holding her as a slave to forces which are out of the dwindling subset of institutions which once served Her once dominant enablement’s …those which once upon a time added to …rather than detracted from Her self sovereign ability to control Her own destiny.
I would not call that service befitting the better interests of Americans …at this time.
I know nothing …indeed!
However, I do know one thing all the more; I wouldn’t mind having a better opportunity to make the choice to install a cheap …economical filling station in my home.
Now that …I know would be a total gas!!!
Wouldn’t it?
Well, maybe not for those who have put on and invested their bets in going long in calls …on CRUDE.
Talk about being made the cow’s tail …?
How now brown cow?
How now …is anything but CRUDE.
As a matter of fact …it just may just the gas America is looking for …the solution which the man behind the curtain does not want you to see.

NLRB Nut Jobs = Not Jobs

  Offshore Nut Jobs; Not Boeing Jobs!   Politicized NLRB = Nut Jobs; Not Jobs   The NLRB’s Decision to fight Boeing’s choice to locate a plant in South Carolina […]