The Achilles Heel of Capitalism

The Achilles Heel of Capitalism

What is the Achilles Heel of Capitalism?

a. Too big to fail

b. Too small to succeed

c. No due diligence, oversight and accountability

d. All of the above

Mutually Inclusive or Exclusive?

Is The Failure of Capitalism …Too Big To Fail?

If the failure of Capitalism is deep seated in “…too big to fail …” where is China on a scale of 1 to 10?

The U.S.has long promoted …if not flirted with too big to fail. Yet, in spite of the recent past’s intertwined financial catastrophes …the U.S.A. is still …reluctantly unwilling to demonstrate an ability to adequately exercise the sort of responsible constraints and policies necessary to fully come to grips with the realities and consequences still facing her in the wake of her failures …both in the here and now, as well as with many compounding issues which will extend out like an outstreched long hand …well into the future.

Like road bumps and pot holes; the catalysts of America’s most recent failures are …those which have produced some most revealing wake up calls.

Know What I Mean Maynard?

  Know What I Mean Maynard?         Dear Vern, Do you recognize the following quote? “The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” It […]

Moody’s Plausible Probable Likelihood

Moody’s A Plausible Probable Likelihood

Are you kidding?

“…in the wake of the worst political rancor since the civil war …”

Jim Crammer Friday, July 15, 2011

In Washington …the nature and rules of brinkmanship’s dynamics are always being written and rewritten, as they have been time after time again.

Why then would …or, what then could make the question as to whether or not Congress will raise the debt ceiling before the last minute …a question whose lackluster resolve’s and groaning dynamics different any more than any other thing which this “do-nothing” Congress has touched recently?

Well, then …consider this point of conjecture.

But let me set the stage first.

Is there any one you know that …when they walk into the room, there is a rushing like mighty sucking noise?

You know …the sort of person/organization who believes and acts as though the whole damned world’s charter was meant to serve as a mandate which justifies and encourages wiping their feet on any who take up an opposing issue …regardless of the costs.

And if you have any doubt about it …just ask them.

Well, in Washington’s play …I believe that its brinksmanship in its (ownership) matter of the debt limit debate …merely serves as just such a sucking example …one in which partisan politics extols all of the best virtues and all the worst vices of wiping one’s feet on the other …all at the expense of “…We the People …”

Energy Policy’s Missing Word; “…Multidimensional…”

The Word; “…Multidimensional…”

Lynn, kudos to you in regard to your recent interview with Gerri Willis on Fox News. You looked great and came off very well.

However, let me ask you to consider using a strong, positive power word. Incorporate “…multidimensional …” into your energy conversation’s dialogue in the future.

You will make a stronger impact if you use “…multidimensional …” to characterize the nature and scope of the problem of the current policy which is lacking in both vision and scope …by virtue of the fact that the current policy is not “…multidimensional …” and therefore lacks the breadth needed to combat the problem.

In order to achieve energy independence, freedom has always equated to choice.

Variety is the spice of life.

Choice boosts competition and lowers price …rewarding efficiencies regardless of scale by reason of flexibility …which enhances national security …while reducing trade imbalances and strengthening the posture of any state’s ability to conduct foreign relations …on a sovereign less-conflicted diplomatic basis.