Money Market & Retirement Accounts’ Backstops vs. Downgrade

What would a downgrade to U.S. Public debt mean to Treasury-backed Money Markets and reitirement accounts whose security profile requirements stipulate that they must be backed by no less that AAA grade securities?

Answer that …would you?

Recovery; It’s A Gas …Part 3

Should consumers despair that they …as of yet, still do not have the luxury to chose a commercially viable alternative at the pump?
Or should Americans take heart and stand up and celebrate the huge opportunity to make a call for a tremendous change …one which really would …should and will make a world wide world of difference for the betterment of consumers everywhere?
The choice is a no-brainer.
As such, for now …America (largely) has made no such choice to either stand nor make the call for such an alternative bridge fuel …in mass.
And, such as has been the case to date …this (non-call …at it were) has long stood to produce an advantage whose single most dominant luxury is being enjoyed (…like no other position can afford) …by one single segment …of an industry group …one which is comprised by a handful of rather lucky dominant oil exporters.

Recovery; It’s A Gas …Part 2

After all, without choice …America; She is an enslaved patient …force-feeding a system holding her as a slave to forces which are out of the dwindling subset of institutions which once served Her once dominant enablement’s …those which once upon a time added to …rather than detracted from Her self sovereign ability to control Her own destiny.
I would not call that service befitting the better interests of Americans …at this time.
I know nothing …indeed!
However, I do know one thing all the more; I wouldn’t mind having a better opportunity to make the choice to install a cheap …economical filling station in my home.
Now that …I know would be a total gas!!!
Wouldn’t it?
Well, maybe not for those who have put on and invested their bets in going long in calls …on CRUDE.
Talk about being made the cow’s tail …?
How now brown cow?
How now …is anything but CRUDE.
As a matter of fact …it just may just the gas America is looking for …the solution which the man behind the curtain does not want you to see.

Organizers vs. Agitators

In time, what’s the big deal if the net affect of giving up a measly tax credit or two offers big oil the opportunity to reap a harvest …allowing them to play an even greater (dominant) role in developing bridge fuel technologies after a cogress which is fiscally addicted to a Fed’s accomodative weak dollar (deficit- driven) fiscal irresponsibility.

As a politician, any one can survive …as long as one can maintain a


-like populist stance.

But, in reality; a well known man once said;

“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”

So, seriously; don’t be agitated, and for goodness sakes don’t be aggrevated.

For there are and have been many …who for years, it can be seen …have been pretty good at knowing how to peddle snake oil.

So, don’t be taken in unaware …by the very sensual and emotional nature of all their promises’ appeals and charms.

So, be sharp as a two edged sword, because you will need the truth to deal with whatever may be in each chamelions’ reptilian repitoir …populist non-sense not withstanding.

Care for some nice shinny rubby red apples, deary?

Don’t fall into a pit.

Become organized and plan to vote come 2012.

Above all, don’t confuse a community agitator with a community organizer.

Bottom line; don’t be fooled by a chameleon.

Chameleons crawl on their bellies like a snake …or any other reptile.

And while they pretend to speak for all …they speak for no one but themselves.

O Joshua!

APaPaPa-Paulded by the Sense of the Lame

If Superman Can’t Logically Run His Own House …

Why Should I Believe His Cryptic, Mystical Pretzel Logic Will Run Mine …

With or Without Better Due Respect?

Recently, I received a letter from a man by the name of John Tate. The petition request’s letter identified Mr. Tate as The President of Campaign\ for Liberty. The rather large letter came in a manila envelope along with a solicitation requesting money for my support of a bill which the letter indicates is before both the House and the Senate.

This bill is being sponsored in the House by U.S. Congressman Ron Paul of the 14th Congressional District of Texas and in the Senate by Congressman Ron Paul’s son, the freshman Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul …an Ophthalmologist from Boling Green.

Sideline Issues -Presidential Races within the Republican/Tea Party side of the isle

See also:

Rubico – Rand Paul

Just in case you are wondering; I put your petition through my shredder and then flushed it down my toilet.

After all, if iron sharpens iron; that is definitely where it belongs.

Pity! Seems like a damned fine waste of good paper …Kum Bah Ya!

A Sagaciously Simple Essay by Charley Reese; 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Regarding 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Charley Reese’s final column for the Orlando Sentinel

Consider the following as an opportunity to read a truly inspirational essay from a well-seasoned writer.

After reading an essay titled: 545 vs. 300,000,000 People …I became instantly inspired such that I simply must pass this man’s work on …as so many others before me have as well.

I received this essay from a friend via an E-mail which came to me this week.

It so impressed me by its sagacious simplicity that I just had to look at it in more depth.

Afterwards, I expanded my meditation and contemplation of it …conducting a Google search in which I used its title as my search parameter: “545 vs. 300,000,000 People”

I took the liberty to post my search returns below. Please take a look at these sites. If you do, I believe that you will find …as I did; that there is …not only a wide spread acceptance and agreement of this author’s essay’s simple …yet powerful theme; there is also a spirit whose powerful appeal also speaks to reach deep into the character of the American human persona.

In this regard, I believe the essay’s strong appeal emanates from an unmistakable call to collectively take strong individual responsible action for what was intended …in purpose, to serve all Americans in making this a land a land of free opportunity in which one is free to pursue his or her happiness.

Yet, for all this, there is a certain thread of a theme throughout the essay …one of blame which …like the three fingers which point back to self …on a hand which points away from self.

And in this regard the one to blame is not the system; it is the apathetic individual.

What is the bottom line?

Americans must take more personal responsible action and become more engaged …rather than become more blame gamers in a sea awash with apathy.

NATO; Cuba; Bay of Pigs; Libiya; Germany and France

View Hope As Repetitious Annual Deficits?
Can America Afford
to …continue …to …
Execute Effective Foreign Policy
A Strong Homeland Security
In What Was …What is …and What Will Be
…if Not 1st Prepared?
Ready For What?
Sabers Rattle More in the Face of U.S.
Weakness & Vacillation?

If you are not with us …you are against us? Where did I last hear this?

I believe this is what came from President Bush as he led the charge to stand against Iraqi dictator Sadman Hussein in the wake of the Iraqi dictator’s post Quwati invasion’s peace.

Hmm! Noble cause as the president’s charge may have been; as it were, I wonder why the president’s efforts met with so much international indifference and contempt.

For a possible answer, take a look back with me a bit.

In view of the recent celebration of The Bay of Pigs 50th Anniversary last week, I think it altogether fitting to also take a look back at a letter which I wrote around the first part of 2007 …especially since it is also the case that Barack Obama made the decision to essentially dump the Libyan mess into NATO’s lap.

Consider the following as a prefacing introduction prior to any such a look back ward …

Hey Barack! Hey NATO!

I would hope America is ready and willing to take the responsibilities needed to shoulder the burdens of the tasks in Northern Africa. If something is worth doing, it should be worth doing well, yes?

Yet, for all that …the leadership which caused Barack Obama to mount the charge into Libya is one which is also fast wilting and withering on the vine.

This does one thing well. It makes a fine example of an excuse for failing to show the conviction of such a charge’s initial courage and conviction.

What’s Next; a Tripple Dip or a Fire Sale?


G-7 Mutual Interests Confirmed Behind Closed Doors Trumps Fears of Quantitative Easing’s Demise …Paving Path to Temporarily Stabilize Treasury Yields in Continued Monetization Plan Led Down a Long Bond Road Called A Willingness to Preserve Capital

G-7 Mutual Interests Confirmed Behind Closed Doors Trumps Fears of Quantitative Easing’s Demise …Paving Path to Temporarily Stabilize Treasury Yields in Continued Monetization Plan Led Down a Long Bond Road Called A Willingness to Preserve Capital

On Three Day Garage Sales

Hello again!

I need to ask you for a little more patience and understanding.

I realize that I have all but, just about stretched your willingness to extend me any more accommodating forbearance beyond the reasonable limits of good prudence and logic.

Therein, please do not despair; yet I would like you to accept my indulgences in making one more urgent request regarding a most unexpected matter.

You see, while I’m continuing to have problems in that I am still struggling to handle and cope with my day to day and month to month financial obligations …some sequence of unforeseen and rather dire misfortunes have rocked my world recently.

You see; there just couldn’t be any worse timing for … true to my nature, I have some how (…once again) managed to spend way too much money this last month.

So, again …I guess that I am just going to have to hold another (treasury auction) garage sale …one more in a long string of on-going, huge, three-day garage sales.

However, this particular (treasury auction) garage sale is going to have to be different due to a variety of matters (quantitative easing not withstanding) whose issues have culminated to conspire against my lack of (Boy Scout/Girl Scout) preparedness …and has taken me totally off guard.

The Demise of QE-2

The Demise of QE-2

Oh, Really?

Speculation and QE-2 Go together like a horse and buggy.

Or was that …like a 1.64 Trillion Dollar deficit and a rather conflicted Federal Reserve?

Or was that like a 3.7 Trillion Dollar Budget and a rather conflicted Congress?

In view of the administration’s disdain for the express will of the people such as became manifest and more than abundantly clear last November…the question remains as to whether or not QE-2 is to go …or stay and become supplanted by what may become QE-3 is anybody’s question …or is it?

Unlike what would otherwise be like a deep black secret …the demise of QE-2 is anything but …beyond top-secret.

Instead, whether QE-2 is to stay or go …is something which Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is not surprisingly …now, more than less …obligated to disclose openly to the likes of Congress …namely, to satisfy the likes of a more than entitled curiosity …the itchy ears …of the likes of those of Senator Ron Pall not withstanding.