Higher Property Taxes!

Photo Credit belongs to:  Lucle Bluebird-Lexington whose work speaks for itself.   Since when did paying more and higher taxes make anyone feel more free …?   Higher Personal Property Taxes […]

One Bad Apple

Support American ownership.

And if you can not distinguish a winner from a loser; then, America will do the job by replacing you in the wake of your miserable failure.

Yes, failure is more of an option than a faddy fashion accessory …pejoratives not withstanding.

Hand outs are no way to craft incentive for ownership …save promote ones own political office …and that is so passe’.

And in this wise; beware …there are bad apples whose design it is to spoil the entire lot by making those who are to come …losers ,,,one and all by reason of an unbridled …unchecked debt.

So, the next time you hear someone speak for all by saying; “…We do not believe that the government should be in the business of picking winners and losers …” better take a closer look under the hood.

Kick the tires while you are at it too.

Your kids and their loser kids may thank you for taking a closer look.

Own your destiny; manage your character.

Craft your fate …and offer your children the opportunity to do the same as well as you now have a day with which to do something constructive about private ownership.

I like my apple pie served up warm and fresh.

How about you?

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

In regard to private ownership; it really doesn’t much matter as to which came first; whether it was the chicken or the egg.

Likewise, jobs or housing …both questions are equally mute arguments.

But what does matter …especially going into the 2012 general election is the concept and principals that support and encourage an individual’s freedom to responsibly exercise their rights to private ownership. Notice the careful use of the word “…responsibly.”

And more specifically, at the very crux of this composition …there must be at the epicenter, an equally responsible body politic …long gone missing.

I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas

Deck the Halls of Congress with Bells of Folly …

Oh, the joys of Christmas …anxiously awaiting the toys which may be expected …or not. Regardless, the surprise …or the disappointment which lies in store …just might be a function of today’s haste …a spirit’s calls whose preparations just might be the foreshadowing of the past’s waste …that which has opened the door of the present only to beckon back the spirit of the past waste, no?

Go figure. Three years of waste …to move forward to today’s haste …to welcome further …still more waste?

You know they say; “…A stitch in time saves nine …”

Its corollary has been stated such that haste makes waste.

And this corollary can be stated simply, such that; waste makes for haste.

Like truths, when aptly applied …like geometry …these adages beg the following rather serious question.

Have the US fallen under these adage’s spells? Have they has netted the U.S. a return on Her investment which is (nine XXXXXXXX) nine times the haste of the last three years’ waste?

If so, today’s extra large sized (9X) net of haste must not be allowed to morph into the sea of a second merry-go-round of nine-squared worth’s (9X9) waste …the likes of which have come and gone over the last three years’ worth of wasted time, money and blind-sighted effort in neglect and lack of a more sure due-diligent aim and note-worthy purpose. (For whatever is the aim and purpose of socialism …other than to live to serve the fricking government….and that beyond “We the People …? Feed Me Seymour?)

9 X 9 = 81 times the waste …if, you know what I mean, yes?

And that all will most likely face a multiplier affect attributable to inflation …when and if the U.S. further opens the floodgates’ doors further.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]

The Rate of the Wait; The Cost of the Lost

The magnitude of the money required to service the interest costs generated by the public debt is stopping for no one.

With respect to its costs; the rate to wait has benefited no one save the administration which has not missed a beat in every opportunity to turn a blind eye on housing …while jabbing the financial sector in the eye with a sharp stick.

Once upon a time, not too long ago …I lived in Hungary at a time in which the rate of inflation was running at 33%. As high as that may have been …it was a promising time. People were full of hope and looking towards a brighter future. And as bleak as 79 % effective tax rates were, optimism was running rampant.

Unlike what we have here in the U.S.A. today, there and then …the velocity in the Hungarian market could only be characterized as torrential. Money was moving at an amazing spead. Opportunity was in the air.

However, here …overall broad spectrum inflation has not raised its ugly head here …now, primarily because velocity is anemically low …and whatever inflation currently exists has been rather limited to commodities in a low demand …low growth environment.

Field of Dreams – Build It & They Will Come

Field of Dreams

Build it And They Will Come

In light of Japan’s lost decade, why America would be inclined to invite the same?

Yet, moving away from the 08 burst of the housing bubble, what hope is there which would, could …and or should offer Americans any more reasonable hope that is tending to suggest that Washington hasn’t already opened the door to usher in another similar black-hole decade?

Who in their right mind would want to slog through another seven years …like those of the first three ….let alone suffer all the lost opportunity costs like those which Japan paid for in the darkness of Her recent past period.

In the wake of past three years of finger pointing, back biting and in-fighting …with each and every passing minute of every day …of each passing weeks and month, America must …at some point in time; get out of the bed and put both feet on the ground.

It has been bad enough to realize that America had been asleep as the housing bubble built the environment for what turned out to make for the perfect storm.

The Fed’s New AAA = BOA’s New Balance Sheet Tool

Here’s a novel organic idea for the Federal Reserve Chairman today …one which dose not rely on printed …or borrowed money to craft ..draft …implement and execute.
Actually, after thinking of this for a while …I think this monumental idea has more to offer the banking industry …Bank of America for one …above all.
I say so, because bank of America is scrambling about …trying to raise capital at a time when cash is king.
And if there ever was a cash generator, this idea has huge potential to rock and roll …recapitalizing an anemic sector like gang busters …like the Dallas Cheerleaders at halftime.
Shoot, I bet Timothy Geithner could figure a way to securitize and market this idea’s exotic specialized product’s potential.

Bring back the exotic specialized products division …in safety …with an eye …whose oversight measures actually support honest home ownership.


What is this idea?

Offer increment interest- breaks as incentives to home buyers as a measure and form according to the skin they bring to the table at closing.

In other words “…Skin for A Time Out.”

More skin would translate to a greater “…more time out” period.

The TAX/SPEND or Cut Conundrum?

The Chicken or the Egg Conundrum

As Washington plays CHICKEN WITH AMERICA’S ECONOMY …there’s something missing in the national conversations these days …something more than common sense. Sad to say; that’s a given.

Sadly, that’s also a given which has been politically fostered, channeled and has also been allowed to grow and fester to become a spirit whose source of angst and arguer has created so much frustration and uncertainty …more so than jobs and that which has translated to housing sales.

So, I’d like to add something here which adds more to and along the lines of a question …one which is become hung-up …merely contemplating; “…Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”.

In this regard, I would venture to say that the truth is that Washington is pretty much preoccupied with a truth which …by itself, has revolved around the President’s pre-electioneering speech this last Wednesday …as much …if not more so …the influential conversations in Washington which have been so centered around taxes, revenue, the deficit, and spending and spending cuts.

The adage applies; those who are so wrapped up with themselves make for a small package.

Go figure! It is a multidimensional complex world; isn’t it?

Irrespective of just how much of a part of the needed conversation as these still-unresolved issues are; in the midst of these issues’ conversations’ arguments …there are core-central priorities whose issues are more complex than those like the irreconcilable chicken/egg conundrum.

All anyone with half a brain knows that this conundrum has yet to be resolved.

That’s what it was …what it is …and what it will be.

What I am saying is; it should be abundantly clear that jobs, employment and housing are America’s core golden geese which lay the golden eggs that develop tax revenue as well as GDP.

So, why is Washington so preoccupied in making meager forays into these do-nothing conundrums …Photo Opps and pre-electioneering not withstanding.

Heavy lifting is where it’s at baby; as much as is …arguing over how many angels can dance upon the head of a needle.

Action Jackson. Leave the rhetoric for the nuns …and the nannies.

Thread the eye of a needle …and you can enter into a simpler …more productive opportunity …immediately …as in right now!

Until then …the truth of the Pre-election mantra of “Yes we can.” …will remain; “No, you can’t …haven’t …and won’t …until you demonstrate than you do.”

All else is meaningless lip-service.

What Goes Around …Shuts It Down

Are not tax receipts scarce enough? Are the costs associated with America’s Public Debt set to rise? Are inflationary pressures subsiding? Will Washington’s willingness to lower taxes gain wisdom and understanding in consideration of the private sector’s power to do the heavy lifting? Will energy costs fall? Will wages rise? Will expendable income go up? Will discretionary spending rise? Is housing making a turn for the better?

How is it that Washington can’t get it?

Are they losing it; or …have they already lost it?

One thing is for sure, the citizenry’s patience is running on empty in the wake of the last few years of shame and blames’ finger pointing.

America can no longer afford to waste time in grasping at straws.

Now …since last November’s mid-terms …even the blame de-jour …The

tea Party is being spun as the lastest in a long line of what is being portrayed as the politically incorrect problem.

Oh Brother, please!

And if today if is not urgent enough; why give and allow politicians the luxury of another opportunity in still …the greater self-service of merly mismanaging one more crisis-management moment?

Now is not the time to allow Congress to kick this growing crisis-in-the-making further down the road.

Today is the crisis when the patient fails to realize the size and scope and the potential of the illness whose grips deciets are stronger than the will of the patient.

America is beset with political pride, and is blind to its ill-borne affects.

Now is not the time to engage in more blame and shame.

Now is not the time to put off until tomorrow what should be done today.

To do so …is to become the problem’s better …most principal part …the cancer which will not go away, but grows faster than the exasperation of the crisis itself …especially in the wake of blame and shame’s pride; the lord of plausible denial …behind which is hinding …no vialbe workable alternative solution.

Today is time to turn on a dime and sieze the day.

And on this dime, isn’t it time to grow our way out of this organically …rather than with smoke and mirrors?

I say that it is time to call a senator or two.